
Strategic Planning and Continuous Evaluation
As a leader, I am committed to navigating through complexities and shaping a future that is guided by the voices of all our members.
What Is This All About?
Shaping Our Future Together: Strategic Planning and Flexibility in Action at TWU Local 556

At the heart of TWU Local 556, we’ve got to really get into strategic planning and being flexible, making sure everything we do matches what our members want and fits with the ever-changing world of our work. This isn’t just about making a to-do list; it’s like creating a live game plan that helps us tackle challenges head-on. By really listening to what our members say, setting clear goals, and being ready to change up our plans when needed, we’re doing more than just getting through today. We’re building a future where everyone in our group feels listened to, backed up, and powerful.

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We have a strategic plan, its called doing things...
- Herb Kelleher / Founder & Visionary of Southwest Airlines

Corliss King understands that true leadership is about more than just guiding; it’s about listening, adapting, and responding to the needs of the community she serves. She envisions an office where strategic planning isn’t static but evolves with the voices of its members, where flexibility isn’t just a response to change but a proactive approach to shaping the future. With a keen eye on setting clear, achievable goals and an unwavering commitment to member engagement, Corliss intends to lead TWU Local 556 through the complexities of the modern labor landscape. Her promise is to build a stronger, more unified union where every member’s contribution is valued, and every voice contributes to the collective strength and direction. Under Corliss King’s leadership, TWU Local 556 will not just navigate the present but will thrive, setting new standards for what it means to be a responsive, member-focused, and forward-thinking union in today’s world.


Listen to the Membership:

Find out what the Members need to see from their Leadership to feel their needs are being met. It is not enough to tell you what you want. We have to truly hear what you expect from your Union.


Performance Metrics:

Establish clear performance metrics to measure the success of engagement efforts, collective initiatives, and leadership development programs. Regularly evaluate and adapt strategies based on the outcomes.


Adaptability and Flexibility:

Remain adaptable and flexible in response to changing circumstances. Anticipate emerging issues and proactively address them to maintain the unity and strength of the union.