Demanding Change Using Our Political Power
I am unwavering in my pursuit to harness our collective political strength, advocating for legislative reform that champions the dignity and rights of aviation workers.
What Is This All About?
Empowerment in Motion: Transforming the Railway Labor Act for Aviation's Future

Our Union is under the Railway Labor Act. That Federal legislation is both a gift and a curse. We must tap into our political powerhouse, our energized Members and capable leadership, to shift the legislative and public thinking about our Union and our livelihood. We have the blueprint for change in various places where we are domiciled. We have changed laws and taken our fight to legislatures throughout our system. Now is the time we harness that power and fight for change in Washington around the RLA that is pivotal to our careers. Let’s challenge the elected leaders on Capitol Hill to make the changes to the laws that our company will not bargain for. And together we can educate those with the power to change what the aviation industry has used for so many years to stop real improvements in our job. It is time we see the same benefits that other workers enjoy.

Stay Connected
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability but comes through continuous struggle. Together, we can shape a better future for all aviation workers.
- Adapted from Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Leader

Corliss King believes in leveraging our collective political power to demand change because it’s the key to securing the rights and benefits that aviation workers rightfully deserve. She understands that by uniting our voices and mobilizing our political strength, we can challenge and reshape the legislative landscape that currently hinders our progress. Corliss is committed to leading the charge in Washington, advocating for amendments to the Railway Labor Act that align with the needs and aspirations of our members. She knows that through persistent advocacy and education, we can influence those in power to enact laws that promote fairness, safety, and equity in the aviation industry. It’s this belief in the power of collective action and political engagement that drives her to fight for the improvements and benefits that have long been overdue for aviation workers.


Uniting for Legislative Reform:

We must mobilizes aviation workers for a united front in Washington, aiming to rewrite the rules that limit our progress.


Amplifying Worker Voices:

We must empower every worker to speak up and be heard, Corliss can lead the charge in making our collective voice a force for change.


Securing Fair Benefits:

Driving the fight for equal benefits, we must champion the cause to ensure aviation workers receive the same respect and rights as others.