Meet Corliss King: A Visionary Leader for TWU Local 556


I’m Corliss King, your candidate for the presidency of TWU Local 556. My journey to this moment is a story of overcoming barriers, advocating for diversity, and fighting for the rights of Flight Attendants at Southwest Airlines and beyond.

From dreaming of flying as a young girl to confronting unjust standards in the aviation industry, my path has been marked by challenges that have only strengthened my resolve. In 2012, my ambition to become a Flight Attendant led me through a series of interviews that tested not just my patience but my beliefs in fairness and equality. Despite being judged on outdated criteria, I stood my ground, leading to policy changes that opened doors for many others.

These experiences have deepened my commitment to fostering positive change, inspiring me to impact policies and laws to enhance the lives of Flight Attendants across the board. As I vie for the presidency of TWU Local 556, I bring a promise of leadership characterized by integrity, bravery, and a relentless pursuit of our shared prosperity.

My vision is clear: to cultivate an environment where every Flight Attendant feels esteemed, listened to, and supported—a union that epitomizes inclusivity, equity, and strength. I warmly invite you to embark with me on this transformative journey to reshape TWU Local 556, advocating together for the essential changes our industry demands.

As we stand at the precipice of change, it’s essential to recognize the collective power we hold within TWU Local 556. The journey ahead is not just about addressing the immediate needs of our members but about reimagining the very fabric of our union to reflect the diversity, courage, and resilience that define us.

The path I propose is paved with proactive strategies aimed at not just navigating the challenges of today but setting a robust foundation for the generations of Flight Attendants to come. It’s about creating a legacy of empowerment, where every member not only sees themselves represented but also feels an undeniable sense of belonging and purpose within our union.

This mission, while ambitious, is entirely achievable with the right leadership, a shared vision, and an unbreakable bond of solidarity among our members. As your president, I pledge to be the catalyst for this change, leveraging every lesson learned, every relationship built, and every challenge overcome to steer us towards a future where TWU Local 556 stands as a beacon of progress and unity in the labor movement.

The time for action is now.

Together, let’s embrace this opportunity to redefine what it means to be a part of TWU Local 556. Let’s build a union that not only advocates for its members but uplifts, educates, and inspires every individual who calls it home.

Join me, Corliss King, in shaping a future where our union is stronger, more inclusive, and ready to meet the demands of the ever-evolving aviation industry.

Your support, your voice, and your vote can transform our collective dream into our shared reality.

Forward together, stronger than ever.

Yours In Solidarity,

Corliss King