The Art of Strategy and Flow: Navigating Our Future Together

In the ever-changing landscape of our world, and particularly in our roles within TWU Local 556, we’ve come to understand that the true power of leadership and collective action lies in a delicate balance between strategy and the ability to pivot. As your candidate for president, I, Corliss King, am committed to steering us through both calm and turbulent waters with a vision that is both steadfast and adaptable.

Embracing Strategy with Open Arms

Strategy is our compass; it gives us direction and purpose. My commitment to the S.T.A.N.D initiative is a testament to the importance of having a clear, actionable plan. The “S” stands for “Strategize” – it’s about laying down a roadmap for where we want to go and how we intend to get there. However, it’s not just about having a plan. It’s about crafting a plan that listens, responds, and evolves based on the needs and voices of our members.

The Power of Pivoting

If recent times have taught us anything, it’s the value of being able to pivot. The global pandemic underscored the necessity of being flexible and responsive. Preparedness is crucial, but the ability to adapt is what truly empowers us to overcome unexpected challenges. In our journey as a union, being static or tunnel-visioned, especially when pushing personal agendas, is a path to disconnection from our core strength – our members.

Listening Leads to Strength

Our collective power is magnified when every voice is heard. My vision is not to push a personal agenda but to align our actions with the needs and support of our members. This approach ensures that, no matter the circumstances, we remain connected, relevant, and resilient. Specific demands and goals are vital, but they must be grounded in the reality and diversity of our members’ experiences and needs.

A Union United by Collective Power

We are a union not just in name but in spirit and action. Our collective power is our greatest asset, but it can only be fully realized when the collective is actively listened to and engaged with. It’s about transcending fanciful, out-of-touch ideas that serve only a few and instead embracing strategies that uplift us all.

Strategy in S.T.A.N.D: Our Commitment to You

The “Strategy” in our S.T.A.N.D initiative is more than a plan; it’s a promise. A promise to be proactive yet flexible, to plan with foresight but adapt with insight. It’s about ensuring that every step we take is a step together, with every member’s voice guiding our way. As we move forward, let’s embrace the strengths of both strategy and flow, ensuring that no matter what the future holds, we stand ready, united, and strong.

Together, we can navigate the uncertainties of tomorrow with the certainty of our shared commitment and strength. Let’s not just stand for something; let’s stand together, for everyone.

In solidarity,

Corliss King